Title: Space Rangers 2: Reboot Genre(s): action / rpg / managerial Works on: Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7 Modes: Single-player Released: January 19, 2006 Company: Elemental Games / 1C Publishing

About This Game


200 years after the first chapter of Space Rangers, an even more dangerous threat arises in the galaxy. A key planet in producing war androids has become self-aware and has decided to conquer the galaxy one planet at a time. The planet’s machines are not only capable of fulfilling any order, but they have their own intellect and force of will. This new type of cyber-life is driven only by a destructive instinct and cares solely about expanding the realm of the Silicate. Freedom of choice is a distinguishing feature of the first part of the Space Rangers saga and only develops further as players explore the massive galaxy. At the same time the player explores his surroundings, the larger and more expansive game world lives and develops by itself. The Space Rangers 2: Reboot expansion features: – 5 new planetary adventures. – 27 new maps for planetary battles. – 10 new maps for hyperspace battles. – New equipment and unique hull designs, including three super spaceships. – Expanded interface of ship’s hold and information center. – More than 50 new governmental missions of different types. – New unique equipment. – Galaxy search system improved.

System Requirements

Minimum Requirements: System: Windows XP or Windows Vista, 1 GHz Processor (1.4 GHz recommended), 256MB RAM (512 recommended), NVidia or ATI (AMD) 3D graphics card compatible with Direct 9, Mouse, Keyboard. Compatibility notice: This game is incompatible with Intel graphics devices (including netbook graphics).

Game Media

ScreenShots from the Game:

Additional Information

FREE GOG PC GAMES PRESENTS Space Rangers 2: Reboot (c) Elemental Games / 1C Publishing 200 years after the first chapter of Space Rangers, an even more dangerous threat arises in the galaxy. A key planet in producing war androids has become self-aware and has decided to conquer the galaxy one planet at a time. The planet’s machines are not only capable of fulfilling any order, but they have their own intellect and force of will. This new type of cyber-life is driven only by a destructive instinct and cares solely about expanding the realm of the Silicate. More info here: Delisted from GOG.com How to Download and Install

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